The Big East Fork AGRIHOOd - A Forest Community of watershed stewards
New neighbors are encouraged to become members of our Agrihood and contributing to a limited-access network of hiking trails.
We understand the importance of creating future steward and share our valley with others, while securing the safety of our community.
We are a community of about 20 families, living privately, and sharing common recreational and agricultural land on over 3000 acres of forested and cultivated watershed. Miles of trails on private and non-profit land are maintained by the Center of Sustainable Stewardship (CSS) and residential community members. Some common areas are periodically accessible to the public, but access to trails on private land is at the discretion of the land owner. The agricultural commons may be used by community residents, resident farmers committed to sustainable and regenerative agriculture, and the invited public.
The residents of the Big East Fork watershed are composed of several groups:
1) New owners who buy ot rent residences and are required to join the Big East Fork Agrihood Association (BEFAA),
2) Existing owners/renters of homes and land within the Big East Fork Watershed (BEFAA membership optional),
3) Future owner/renters of homes and land who have bought or leased adjacent land and who wish to join the Agrihood,
3) Present longterm renters of property located in the watershed,
4) Guests in short-term-rentals desiring accommodation and agrarian/forest experiences,
5) New long-term lease holders of property currently in the Big East Fork conservation easement (BEFAA membership required),
6) The community farmers living in community-subsidized housing and supported by members of the BEFAA and the greater community,
7) Workers, artists, and makers living in co-housing arrangements living in short term rentals through third party arrangements (AirBnB, VRBO)
All communities take care to provide for the purpose for which they are created. We envision sharing common meeting and recreational space centered around the existing private farms, Lake Gratitude, Halleluljah Hollow, and the Lakeside Lodge. We look forward to future structures to be added by Community agreement. Interested parties should contact us below.
Extent of area in Williamson County protected by the proposed Big East Fork Agrihood.
Northern Section
Blue = Parcels for sale by RockyTop Land; Yellow = Bike Path; Solid green = Center for Sustainable Stewardship and current Conservation Easement; Green dashed lines = future conservation easement areas; Green shaded area = Timberland County Park (green hatched area); Orange = Private farms; Light Green = Land protected by Agrihood members; Light blue dash lines = existing hiking trails; Red solid = private Agrihood member land
Middle Section
Blue = Parcels for sale by RockyTop Land; Yellow = Bike Path; Solid green = Center for Sustainable Stewardship and current Conservation Easement; Green dashed lines = future conservation easement areas; Blue dashes; Green shaded area = Timberland County Park (green hatched area); Orange = Private farms; Light Green = Land protected by Agrihood members; Blue dash lines = existing hiking trails; Red solid = private Agrihood member land
Southern Section
Blue = Parcels for sale by RockyTop Land; Yellow = Bike Path; Solid green = Center for Sustainable Stewardship and current Conservation Easement; Green dashed lines = future conservation easement areas; Blue dashes; Green shaded area = Timberland County Park (green hatched area); Orange = Private farms; Light Green = Land protected by Agrihood members; Blue dash lines = existing hiking trails; Red solid = private Agrihood member land
Big East Fork Watershed Community
Land for Sale. Click here
6 to 9 lots off Parker Branch Road (600 acres)
4 lots in Chinkapin Area off Mt. Laura Road
4 lots between Bedford Creek Rd and Big East Fork Rd
West Fork Hollow (“Yellow chain”) building sites
5594 Big East Fork Rd
5596 Big East Fork Rd
5190 Firetower Rd (5400 Big East Fork Rd)
Big East Fork Heritage Trust
Houses for Sale by Del/Dane Partners
5327 Big East Fork Rd
5575 Big East Fork Rd
5596 Big East Fork Rd
5141 Firetower Rd
5155 Firetower Road
5215 Backbone Ridge Rd
Big East Fork Valley home owners: Tommy and Libby Shell, Jay and Be Harrison, Kenny and Susie Meeks, Lee Anne O’Brien, Jonathan Oppenheimer, Be and Jay Harrison, Susie and Kenny Meeks, Larry Tower, Jed and Tiffany Atkinson, Hardy and Sherri Burch, Trish and Jim Munro, David and Kim Jennings, Olga and David Loy, Bryan Ward.
Subsidized Rental Housing for farmers and creatives
5350 Big East Fork Rd
5576 Big East Fork Rd
5575 Big East Fork Rd
5155 Firetower Rd
5141 Firetower Rd
Existing renters: Ryan and Chené, Wade, Drake and Abby, Mary Alice, Deidre, Vhardan and Eloise, Diana.
Existing farms: Canaan Valley Farms, McKinney Farms, Downing Farms, Dr. Zo’s Chicken Farm, Dvash Honey Farm
Short term rentals: Through AirBnb, VRBO and
Land Leases 50 and 100 year leases: Backbone Ridge Rd, various sites Big East Fork Rd, Fire Tower Rd, Poor House Rd, and Backbone Ridge Rd in Franklin TN
Private Farming Leases available from Big East Fork Farms
Grazing Leases
Big East Fork Agrihood Association membership:
Membership in the BEFAA is required for all new homeowners desiring the benefits gained by joining (gardening, farming, and livestock privileges at Big East Fork Farms, Access to community walking and horse trails, private 24/7 access to the community forest and seven-acre Lake Gratitude, and the fellowship of like-minded stewards). BEFAA fees cover costs of the Community Farm, community meeting center, maintenance of common watercraft, and any common costs agreed to by the BEFAA. Private land is of course the property of the owner, who are encouraged to share a part if it (hiking trails, ponds, streams, pasture) with other members of the BEFAA. Compensation may be provided by the BEFAA. The Assiciation agrees to a budget and what benefits it provides its members. Williamson County has zoned Big East Fork Valley as RP-5 which requires 5 acres per parcel
Acreage parceled out from Big East Fork Holdings or Del/Dane Properties may place the non-Residence portions of their land in a conservation easement created for the purpose of allowing existing timber to become old growth and to provide habitat for diverse nature flora and fauna, as well as for hiking trails.
The current 1200 acre Big East Fork Conservation Easement prohibits:
1) commercial or industrial activity,
2) fences except for the purposes of reasonable and customary management of livestock or to enclose pets within the one acre residential portion of the property,
2) subdivision of the parcel into less than 5 acre parcels,
3) outside lighting that interrupts the view of the night sky,
4) obstruction of hiking easements across the property,
5) cutting, removal, or destruction of trees or timber with a diameter of greater than 5 inches at chest hight unless for the creation of walking trails less than eight feet wide.
6) placement of signs which significantly diminish the scenic diminish the scenic character of the protected property,
7) filling, excavating , mining, surface mining or any extraction of materials for commercial purposes except for site preparation for construct of any residences,
8) activities or operations that damage or negatively impact the water quality or watershed,
9) intentional introduction or cultivation of invasive exotic plants.
10) use of agrochemicals that could result in contamination of any impairment of any natural ecosystem or processes,
11) filling, excavating, dredging, mining, or any surface mining.
12) removal of topsoil, sand, gravel, rock, peat, minerals, gas, oil, or other hydrocarbon products or other materials
13) conveyance of mineral rights separate from surface rights
14) engaging or permitting any activity or operations that damage or negatively impact water quality or watershed
15) using or permitting property for sanitary landfill or installing underground storage tanks
16) installing or using an incinerator for the destruction of waste material
17) dumping, storing, disposing, or treating refuse, trash, garbage, rubbish, junk, ashes or hazardous substances anywhere on their property or within the valley or ridges of Big East Fork.
18) installing facilities for the development and utilization of energy resources without the prior written approval of BEFAA
20) removing timber from the land except to provide space for residence and ancillary structures permitted by Williamson County, or to remove diseased or exotic trees, or to remove dead or dying trees which pose a threat to travelers on trails or to residents
In addition to restrictions of the Big East Fork Conservation Easement, members of the Big East Fork Agrihood Association agree not to
A) permit repeated discharge of firearms for more than twenty minutes at a time or four individual discharges of firearms over six hours
B) restrict of foot traffic (hiking) across their property on trails designated by BEFAA provided such trails are at least 100 yards from a lodging structure
C) place structures or signs that inhibit the scenic beauty of the area. Signs may not exceed twenty-four (24) feet in area
D) allow frequent visitation by guests that would significantly increase the traffic in the area
E) cause loud noise or music that materially disturbs the natural soundscape of the area. Although intermittent use of farming machinery is permitted, constant noise or prolonged mechanical or frequent barking are not.
F) establish lighting that causes light pollution. In order to minimize light pollution and allow all residents to have an uninterrupted view of the night sky, no additional pole lights or overhead outdoor lighting is allowed. Acceptable outdoor lighting will be limited to motion sensor lighting or manually controlled lighting 12 feet or less in above-ground height and employing downward-directed deflectors.
Members of the Big East Fork Agrihood Association agree to allow hiking trail(s) across their property for use by other members of the BEFAA provided that such trails are not less than 100 yards from their residence. Trails must be no wider than eight (8) feet. Only trees smaller than five (5) inches in diameter at breast height may be cleared to create trails. Trails may not be created for the purpose of harvesting timber. Off-road vehicles may be only used on trails for patrolling, maintenance, and transport of elderly or handicapped.
If you have gotten this far, you are probably interested. Please fill out and submit the form below